Can IIT be prepared in 3 months?

Preparing for IIT in 3 months. This is something very unheard of but yeah have heard how people had cracked IIT in 4 to 5 months.

You need to do following things:

  1. You can start with analyzing JEE’s past year papers and come up with the most important topics which assures their weightage in IIT JEE exam.
  2. Make a list of topics which you can prepare in the coming three months and which also ensure that you are preparing for at least 30% more than weightage in previous year papers.
    If you work hard and become a pro in those chapters, you can at least crack IIT. Also make sure that you superficially prepare for other chapters, in case any simple question comes from those chapters, you can solve it. Improve your problem solving skills and consciously try those questions first which can be solved with your limited knowledge.
  3. Your intelligence, awareness and will-power will play a major role while trying the above approach. Even if you fail to crack IIT by a few marks, you have a good story of your try which will always keep you motivating for coming years.


The only uncertainty which will be left is the toughness level of IIT paper. If cut off goes exceptionally high, this model will fail but if you are motivated enough it is worth a try.

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