How to start preparing for IIT when in standard 11th


If you are preparing for IIT JEE Mains and Advance 2018, you have about one and a half year left. It is a huge amount of time and a lot many things can be done during this time. Even if you start from basics now, you can be a topper in 2018. I would like you to first clear your answers on following questions, because these are very frequently faced by students while preparing for IIT-JEE and will have you a lot in the span you prepare for the exam.

Why do you want to be an IITian?

This is the question you need to ask yourself right before you start thinking about getting into any of the IIT’s and cracking the entrance. It’s better to be clear of your objectives right before you start your preparation. It can be any among these: fame, job, research, money or parents (in my case it was my parents, but still it was worth it). Choose wisely and once opted prepare with all your heart and strength.

The next question comes,

Is your motivation good enough to study for 4–5 hours daily for an exam which is 1.5 years from now?

If you get both the answers then you are ready to prepare for IIT entrance.



IIT JEE is an exam that requires following skill sets:

Be clear with the concepts, problem solving ability, knowledge of subject and no doubt intelligence. You should also know the fact that hard work and perseverance are also equally important as other intelligent students are also working their ass off to clear IIT JEE, so no matter how intelligent you are, to compete with others you need to work hard. Do not compare yourself with students around as your competition is with all students of nation, so it is better to improve yourself then comparing yourself with others.


The early you start working on these skills the earlier you will be a pro at these. So for the coming next year make yourself a master of these skills. Here are some tips that will help you in the longer run in your preparation of IIT-JEE:


  1. Start by listing the syllabus of the examination, as it will help you make an agenda of what is to be studied and how. Make separate syllabus of all subjects and to keep yourself motivated you can stick these sheets right above your study table. As it really helps to stay focused and plan out easily.


  1. Get IIT papers of the past 10–15 years of both AIEEE and IIT JEE. Analyze them properly and list a tentative weightage of each chapter. Also see the difficulty level, language framing, numerical or concept based questions. After you are done with this make a list of topics based on their importance and plan out your study accordingly.


  1. Take help of a senior or a teacher who has good experience in teaching or who has cleared IIT with good rank. A proper guidance works wonders in the preparation.


  1. Apply for a good test series and you can follow the course covered by test series in your regular schedule. Also arrange complete study material, notes, video lectures, question banks, tests, NCERT and other important books. Remember that taking guidance from a number of books to prepare your notes is never a bad idea. Prepare your notes really well because in the last few months you should stick thoroughly by them.


  1. You can divide your preparation into multiple phases. Like if you follow any standard test series they cover very less important topics in 11th standard as people are not able to retain them for two years and it is the same thing which coaching institutes do. Divide your course and prepare according to your retaining capacity.


  1. Work upon your problem solving ability, retention ability and concepts. You have to mainly focus on numerical solving ability on top in 11th standard. This ability has various features, approach building, speed, efficiency, calculations and last but not the least various methods to solve the questions. You should not stick yourself to an approach, but you have to be versatile.


  1. Religiously give papers on every weekend and analyze your performance, negatives, mistakes, time, calculation, speed, attempt, efficiency and try to optimize your performance. It is equally important to analyze your performance because it helps you decreasing the possibility of committing any sort of mistakes.banner_sale_chemistry


  1. Build confidence and improve your performance. There can be times when you feel low and less motivated. The best advice I have here for you is that keep focusing on the ultimate goal. Have a positive mindset and turn a blind eye on all negative thoughts you encounter. Remember, the positive you are, the positive you shall attract.

Prepare with all your heart and mind and keep going on topic by topic. Clear all the doubts as soon as they strike. To remain in touch with more such pieces of advice related to IIT-JEE preparation, follow our blog. Wish you all the best on your journey!!!

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